Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mega Mesh Premium Magnetic Screen Door Review

I was sent the Mega Mesh Screen Door by Easy Install (found here). I have been wanting one of these since I first heard of them last summer, but I have not been willing to shell out out the money for fear that it wouldn't fit my doorway at my old house.

I decided to install it on the outside of my kitchen door that leads to my garage since my family uses that door to go into our backyard so it is the main source of my pets coming and going and the main cause of the bugs in my house--which I can't stand!

READ THE FULL INSTRUCTION PAGE BEFORE STARTING! All products tell you to do this, but this is one that you really need to know what to do ahead of time. The mistake I made was I did not originally hang the top middle about 5mm higher than the sides. If you don't hang the middle higher, the magnetic in the center strips will not meet the right way and the screen will not close effortless when you walk through it.

I started the installation using just the adhesive tape on the back of the velcro strips for installation. It seems to stick to my clean doorway well-at first. But within 20 minutes it had fallen in more than one place twice. It could have been because of the heat of summer in my garage so it may be enough for installation inside the home where the temperature is more controlled.

Thankfully, the manufacturer's thought of this possible issue and included tacks for more durable and permanent installation. I kind of thought they would be push tacks, but I need to use as hammer to get them into my door frame, but they are still small and discrete so I didn't mind putting them in.

Once I had the tacks in place, I have had not issues with it falling or coming out of place in the three weeks since I installed it.

What I think
I like how easy it is to walk through the screen and how effortless it closes behind you. It even closes just fine when my toddler walks through it. An added bonus? My dogs think it is a door so they have not tried to walk through it without someone holding it open for them. I like that feature because then they are not inside when they are not wanted inside.

The downside? The first weekend I had this installed I noticed this hole/rip in the screen. It is most likely due to something my dogs did, but being a product that is advertised for easy pet use, I am pretty sad that it so easily tore. This whole is plenty big enough for bugs to get into my house so it does directly change the effectiveness of the screen. I have not contacted the company about this yet and I will update after I have heard back from them regarding this.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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