Monday, July 20, 2015

Best Thermometer Found

As a mom to two young kids, I take temperatures often. In my four and a half years in momhood, I have gone thought about 7 different thermometers, ranging from combo ones to standing stick ones to nice ones that I spent $50 on. None of them seem to last and they have either lacked in accuracy or not been anywhere near fast enough for my taste. It has been a big struggle for me.

When I was given the change to test out the Nanny's Choice Thermometer, I agreed to post my thoughts on Amazon. However, after using it around my house, I have to share my thoughts and experience with my blog readers as well because it totally deserves the praise.

This is probably the great thermometer I have ever used and I have owned several of them. My most recent thermometer was an ear/temporal combo one and I didn't feel like it was very accurate and often froze up on me. I have had zero issues with this one. Not only does it take the temperature incredibly fast (about one second) but you don't even have to touch the person to take their temp! Just point it at the forehead about 1-1.5 inches away and push the button. The color display helps you know when a temp is normal, slightly high or really high I think that is a nice guide for anyone who might not know when to really worry on a temp.

My favorite feature that is unlike any other thermometer I have ever owned is the ability to get the room temp or take a surface temp as well as the body temp. I like to take the room temp to see if my thermostat is working well or not. I used the surface temp setting every night to check the kids bath water. I also found out that my hot water on max heat comes out at 113 degrees! I might need to adjust my water heater!

The Nanny's Choice Thermometer is so easy to use, I am just amazed. Switching between the modes and taking the temp is all so quick and easy and done with just a push of a button. As a bonus, they include a wonderful box to hold it in so it can say clean and safe and away from so many things that would likely harm or hurt a thermometer. I don't think I will ever get another thermometer!